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Geography Department Bayreuth

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Testimonials from graduates

Geography-Society and Environment

At the moment, I am still writing my Bachelor's thesis and would like to start the Master's programme "Geographies of Globalisation" at the Goethe University Frankfurt afterwards. The study conditions were ideal for me in Bayreuth, as you can meet familiar faces everywhere on campus and, with the botanical garden and the Glass House, there are two places to relax right on the university grounds. The degree programme itself can be very versatile and individualised, as it covers many different areas of geography. So I was able to get a taste of everything. That really helped me to find out what I was really interested in. I especially enjoyed the economic geography seminars. I can only recommend studying at the GIB because studying is possible in a familiar atmosphere and in close contact with lecturers, and the Glashaus is the perfect place for coffee or tea breaks with friends right next door.

(Patricia Hartmann)


Currently, we are both still writing our Bachelor's theses in the field of urban geography. Afterwards, we will continue our studies at the University of Bayreuth with the Master's degree in Human Geography "Urban and Regional Research". The choice to also start our Master's in Bayreuth was by no means difficult for us. We enjoy the relaxed and familiar atmosphere on campus just as much as the short distances. The teaching at the Department of Geography is particularly convincing due to the treatment of current topics and the possibility of close supervision. Here, no one is "lost" in the crowd. We can recommend the "Bachelor of Science Geography" at the University of Bayreuth to prospective students who like to set their own priorities and are looking for a degree programme with room for their own interests.

(Dirk und Hannes Emtmann)

I started my Bachelor's degree in ge I started my Bachelor's degree in geography at the University of Bayreuth in 2007 and chose human geography as my area of specialisation: During my studies, I completed various internships in the field of regional development and was employed by the Regionalmanagement Stadt und Landkreis Bayreuth GbR, among others. After completing my bachelor's thesis, which investigated different forms of housing in Chinese cities, I was employed there on a permanent basis. I work as a project manager in the funding project "Bioenergy Region Bayreuth", which is coordinated by the regional management. The aim of the project is to increase the demand for bioenergy in the Bayreuth region, to make bioenergy production more environmentally friendly and to increase the level of information on the topic. This is done through various projects, for example in the areas of environmental education at schools or public relations.

(Anne Weydenhammer)

I studied geography in Bayreuth from 2006 to 2011, still in the diploma programme. In my final thesis, I  dealt with questions of regional governance in the course of the energy transition, using the Greater Manchester region in England as an example. I spent 3 months on field research in England, financially supported by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). My thesis was published in the series Bayreuther Geographische Arbeiten under the title "Regional Governance und Regionale Strategiebildung. Steering options for the energy transition using the example of the Greater Manchester region, UK". The last three semesters of my studies I worked for a Bayreuth municipal consulting firm and supported the development of climate protection concepts as well as a study on the energy transition in Northeast Bavaria. Since graduating, I have been working as a research assistant at the University of Luxembourg. In my doctoral thesis, I am investigating the economic-geographical aspects of renewable energies, in particular the spatial dimensions of bioenergy production.

(Fabian Faller)

Geographies of International Development, Focus on Africa

After my GEFA studies, I worked for the Ecumenical Network Central Africa and organised events for One World - One Future. However, I was drawn back to university and completed the Master's degree in Geographies of Globalisation - Markets and Metropolises in Frankfurt am Main. I am now doing my PhD as part of the interdisciplinary research training group Infrastructures in Transition: The Case of African Cities and researching technologically innovative places in Nairobi. In retrospect, I can say even more strongly that the close contact between lecturers and students and the manageable size of the seminar participants within GEFA is unique. More here ...

(Alev Coban)

I focused on legal issues in an international context in my GEFA studies in Bayreuth and also in my Master's in Human Rights at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). GEFA in combination with the minor in Law in Africa was incredibly valuable. This combination is only available at the University of Bayreuth. After university, I worked for two years as a project manager for the Hans   Seidel Foundation in Ghana and have been its office manager since the beginning of 2015. My work also largely focuses on legal topics such as regional rule of law in West Africa. GEFA may be a somewhat crazy degree programme, but it is just right for people who also have extraordinary things planned for their lives.

(Christiane Roth)

There is hardly a study programme as diverse and specific as GEFA. I showed up for the entrance exam with a portfolio of work samples, as one does when applying for artistic courses. I wanted to go into photojournalism and had chosen GEFA to get the best possible grounding in African politics and economics. "I don't think much of development cooperation - but the image of Africa in the media, that's what I want to change," was my statement. I was accepted. After graduating, I worked for a few years as a freelance photojournalist in East Africa for various news agencies. Today I am under contract with corbis images. Somehow GEFA still awakens completely new interests - in my case it was GIS.

(Yannick Tylle)

Human Geography - Urban and Regional Research M.Sc.

After completing my Bachelor's degree in Geography at the University of Bayreuth, I then also completed my Master's degree with a focus on economic geography. My Master's thesis, supervised by Prof. Miosga and Dr. Everts, dealt with the social acceptance of wind turbines from a discourse-theoretical perspective. It showed that the prevailing opinion that wind turbines do not fit into the natural landscape is socially constructed and cannot be explained on the basis of objective criteria. After my studies, I now work as a project manager at Energievision Frankenwald e.V., where, together with another Bayreuth geographer, I support 25 bioenergy villages in the development of alternative forms of energy.

(Johannes Schnabel)

The Master's programme in Human Geography "Urban and Regional Research" at the University of Bayreuth has helped me both personally and professionally. An internship during my studies gave me the opportunity to work in city marketing in Bayreuth from October 2019. There, I work together with the city management team on the inner-city development of the city of Bayreuth, with a focus on local retail and the city experience.         I can profitably use my professional knowledge from my studies there. With the help of the theoretical principles I have learned, I am able to look at various issues from a spatial science perspective and, for example, play a significant role in shaping the city's image More here ...

(Sascha Diemer)

After completing my Bachelor's degree in Geography in Würzburg, I moved to Bayreuth for my Master's degree in Human Geography - Urban and Regional Research (focus on nature conservation). I gained practical experience throughout my studies in a wide variety of areas - Landsberg a.Lech town planning office, German Weather Service, engineering office for flood protection. After the 3rd Master's semester, I worked for another semester as an intern at Green City Energy AG in the area of wind energy project development. This internship also influenced the subsequent thematic orientation of the Master's thesis. It dealt with the municipal control options for the expansion of wind energy in Bavaria. Using case studies from Bavaria, the potential of municipalities in the expansion of wind energy was shown and the extent to which they act as key players in the energy transition. More here ...

(Lena Mühlenbrock)

Environmental Geography

Leonie Fößel
After completing my Master's degree, I now work as a freelance journalist. Through my studies in Environmental Geography, I now have a broad knowledge of topics such as climate change and the Earth ecosystem. I can now apply this well in my work, as I mainly work in environmental journalism. What was particularly great about the degree was the research excursion to Namibia. But also the possibility to choose courses and lectures very freely makes the degree programme very attractive. Studying at GIB is recommendable because there is direct and very personal contact between students and lecturers. In addition, you can specialise in many fields. Another advantage is the close proximity to the Glashaus and the ÖBG, as well as the University of Bayreuth as a campus university. The city of Bayreuth offers many opportunities for leisure activities thanks to its proximity to the Fichtel Mountains, Franconian Switzerland and various lakes.

(Leonie Fößel)

In my doctoral thesis at the WWU in Münster, I quantify the current and future forest fire risk potential for Germany based on satellite data. Environmental remote sensing already fascinated me during my Bachelor's degree. With the Master's programme in Environmental Geography, I found a programme that offers both strong methods courses and a wide variety of physical and human geography. This combination gave me the freedom to choose courses according to my interests rather than a strict curriculum. It allowed me to deepen my statistical and remote sensing methods while deepening my understanding of processes in the biosphere with a focus on forests. When studying at GIB, you benefit from the course pool of several geo-related Master's programmes as well as a generous faculty-to-student ratio. In addition, Bayreuth  offers a vibrant university campus, affordable housing and endless outdoor activities nearby.

(Johannes Heisig)

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